Short Stories

Words Have Meaning-Use them Wisely

Words have impact and meaning- that may be horrific, mysterious, happy, sad, lovely, true, false, biographical, poetic, musical, or theatrical. All of these began with a story-before speaking humans painted them on cave walls to show what was happening around them-to leave a legacy. It then became a story-and thus storytellers emerged, usually an elder in the family that told of their history, their experiences and even insert a little fiction into it. Children listen to stories before they can speak, and if they hear it over and over they can retell them from memory. Books, newspapers, magazines and so much is learned through the written and spoken word. If you could not read, you could listen and learn. Welcome to my blog of interactive storytelling, I am a writer and storyteller, for everyone is a storyteller in one way or another. Books are one of the best ways to take you into any world you care to travel to.  Authorship is not an easy craft, so much depends on how you interpret the world, how you can write when inspiration hits you. I found many half stories, some finished –some not. I write short stories, poems, musings and have been working on a novel for a year-but I cannot forge through the eighth chapter. This is an attempt of an interactive blog-any and all ideas that can be inserted into the stories are welcome-and will get credit for the input. I am excited to begin my musings and adventures.

Thank You for Joining me!


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